Ok... here we go!

It has been a while since I wrote. But my plan is to write every week from now on. Just to capture my week and keep myself sharp. I want to do more training courses. Yes speinding hours on making logo’s (brandsupply.com) I am starting to look actively for the right projects and jobs as a creative designer. Lets start some real goals and le’s find out if I actually get things done form that list. So here there are:

  • write my blog weekly, on fridays. Yes, today it is thursday, I know, but hey, we need to start somewhere!

  • making a GIF (for myself) for my website and instagramattend two brandsupply games per week

  • write two open lettres to publishers , pr-agencies or other networks

  • meditate each day min 10 minutes

  • create two illustrations a week; one garden and one optional

I will manage these goals carefully and…rock it!

saludos besos en tot later

